Hello, my friend!

Welcome to Flow Family Chiropractic!

A clear path to wellness starts here.

At FFC, we believe in the incredible power of the human body! Our bodies are intelligent, self-healing, and self-maintaining organisms! We are capable of amazing things - and we should be able to do use our bodies to do amazing things!

The innate wisdom within our bodies allows us to adapt, heal, and function on a daily basis and is housed in our nervous system. Our nervous system is the master controller of our entire body - nothing we do happens without its instruction! Our brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system and are protected by our vertebral column and skull. In order for our brain and spinal cord to properly communicate with the rest of the body, we must ensure there is no interference to those pathways.

Using specific chiropractic adjustments, we can remove interference to the nervous system, allowing proper brain-body connection and flow of the body’s innate intelligence! In turn, your body can function well, heal from dis-ease, and adapt to the stressors of our daily lives!

All this to say, at FFC we specialize in connection. Connecting WITH you, connecting you TO you, and connecting you to others!

There is power in community, especially when it comes to healing! We pride ourselves in educating you about new ways support your body, guiding you to reach your health goals, and empowering you live your BEST life!

Your Healing Journey at FFC

  • Assess

    During your first visit at FFC, Dr. Rachel will sit down with you and go through a complete health history consultation. Then we’ll go through an examination process to dive deep into your nervous system and determine how well you are functioning and adapting. This will include any necessary orthopedic testing, neurological testing, a neurological scan, and a posture analysis!

  • Analyze

    After your first visit, Dr. Rachel will review your past health history, current concerns, and examination findings. She will use her clinical experience to put together a personalized care plan tailored to YOU based on the above information. We will go through all this information at your Report of Findings, your second visit at FFC. This is also when you’ll receive your first adjustment!

  • Restore

    This is where the magic happens! Using specific, gentle chiropractic adjustments, we will work to unwind old neurological and musculoskeletal patterns you’ve adapted to thus far in life and start to introduce new patterns! This phase of the healing journey looks different for everyone. The overarching goals here are to restore function, improve quality of life, and increase your adaptation to stress during this time!

  • A Lifetime of Wellness!

    After the restoration phase of care, the goal is to maintain the progress you’ve made and continue improving the function of your nervous system! We utilize Lifestyle Care at FFC to allow your nervous system to continue adapting to the stressors you encounter on a daily basis! We want to continue supporting your body so you can live the lifestyle you’ve always wanted!